Manfred Mudelsee:


Climate Data Analysis:

Time Series and Extremes

I study how climate changes are related to changes in extreme climate/weather. For that purpose, I advance bootstrap and other mathematical-statistical simulation methods to quantify more accurately climate parameters and to test harder hypotheses.

Short CV: diploma physics, PhD geology, postdoc statistics; since then positions in Germany, United Kingdom and the United States. Research experience since 1989. Published about 90 papers and a few books (see below).

I founded my first research company Climate Risk Analysis in 2005. I am visiting scientist at Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany since 2007. I founded a non-profit company Advanced Climate Risk Education in 2021. I am also research scientist at University of Potsdam since 2022.

I teach methods of climate data analysis in commercial courses — offline and online. My companies collaborate with research institutions worldwide.

I advise decision makers on climate risks. Since 2019, I advise also on financial risks.



(2014) Climate Time Series Analysis: Classical Statistical and Bootstrap Methods, 2nd edition, Springer, 454 pp.


(2020) Statistical Analysis of Climate Extremes, Cambridge University Press, 200 pp.


Dr. Manfred Mudelsee

Climate Risk Analysis

Kreuzstraße 27


37581 Bad Gandersheim


Telephone: +49 5563 9998140


URL: Manfred Mudelsee

URL last updated: 27 May 2024

Company: Climate Risk Analysis

Company: Advanced Climate Risk Education