Talks | ||||
Listed, downloadable talks start in 2001. Please find them as pdf or ppt files, either zipped or not. Note: some more talks may be found under Publications. |
Klimawandel: Analysen, Risiken, Chancen. Invited Lecture, Lions Club Wiesloch, Wiesloch, Germany, May 2024. Climate Change and Climate Risk Invited Seminar Talk, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, November 2016. Climate Risk and Climate Change. Predictability in the hydrological system. Time series analysis: A casual trip from the Pliocene to the present climate. Error bounds in extreme weather analyses. The bootstrap approach to analyse trends and extremes in hydrological time series. Milankovitch theory and time series analysis. Trends in the risk of extreme events: Floods during the past centuries. Trends in the occurrence of extreme events: An example from the North Sea. Extreme Hochwasser in Zentraleuropa seit AD 1000. Trends in the occurrence of extreme floods in central Europe since A.D. 1000. Bootstrap confidence intervalsa statistical tool for experiments in agronomoy and biology. The leads and lags of CO2. |
Manfred Mudelsee Climate Risk Analysis Advanced Climate Risk Education |